
Class Camp

To replace two to four days of precious curriculum time with class bonding and relaxation on a little island off the Malaysian coast is not a very common thing in schools. Yet, the choice to sacrifice academic gains for the benefit of stronger bonds amongst classmates is something that the school, surprisingly, firmly stands by. And it is not only the school staff that look forward to class camps, but even students also wait eagerly for the days of “official school away from campus”.

Many months have flown by since the class camp, but memories of what happened during those days of letting loose and having fun still pop up now and then. Memories of snorkelling, kayaking, building sandcastles, catching crabs, trekking alone through the forest at night, lying on the beach to watch the stars, killing huge centipedes, intimate sharing sessions, and such still remain fresh in the mind.

And of course, not forgetting the most important goal of class camps: to bond together as a class. Through the various activities and programmes planned out by the school, and especially during those free-and-easy hours spent hanging around the camp-site, such a goal has certainly been achieved with immense success.

Photos from Class Camps @ Pulau Sibu & Pulau Ubin