
International Service Learning Elective (ISLE)


The International Service Learning Elective (ISLE) is just but one of the many overseas programmes planned and carried out by the school. Below are some of the takeaways, insights, and experiences of the students who participated in this elective.

Do come down for Openhouse 2009 and visit the Internationalisation Hub to find out more about the overseas programmes offered!

ISLE (Cambodia)

ISLE Cambodia is a team of 27 students who work with Riverkids, a non-governmental organization in Phnom Penh to help prevent child trafficking by working directly with families at high risk for trafficking. Our trip in Cambodia lasted for sixteen days and we basically taught the children (ranging from age 3 to 19) English, Computer skills, Art, Music, Photography, Dance and Juggling. The main aim of these lessons was to inculcate in the children three very important values: Believe in themselves, Work hard and never give up and lastly, Support each other. Apart from these, strengthening of family ties was also identified as another main objective of our trip. We aimed to achieve this through helping families take family portraits and inviting the parents for the Talent Show, which was held after the lessons conducted have come to an end. Hopefully the parents will realize the full potential of their children, and make a concerted effort to support them in any way possible so that in the years to come, they will achieve that potential.

The trip to Cambodia was definitely a fun-filled, unforgettable experience filled with learning opportunities.

ISLE (China)

One Meter of Sunlight – the name of our project originates from a legend in Lijiang, China. Even on sunny days, little sunlight can penetrate the clouds at Yu Long Snow Mountain, a famous landmark in Lijiang. At very special moments, people would be able to see an individual ray of sunlight. People believe that if you stand under these rays, you will be bestowed with everlasting love from the Heavens.

Known as “one meter of sunlight”, this was the spirit we wanted to bring to those whom we served on our trip. The main objective of the trip was to develop an English teaching resource to be used in a college that focused on the culture of the area we were visiting. Thus, this trip served as a wonderful opportunity to learn more about their culture and gauge the effectiveness of our planned activities through meaningful interaction.

During the 16 days, we visited three schools, Yun Long High School, Lijiang Teacher’s College, and Ming Yin Middle School. These three schools offered us a chance to meet young adults from a wide range of backgrounds, and exposed us to the education styles in Lijiang. We were very fortunate to have the chance to conduct English-based activities with a twist! These included discussions, bargaining at a bazaar, playwriting and a showcase, and even obstacle courses!

Besides conducting activities, we were also treated to an induction into the Lijiang culture. We were exposed to the traditional Naxi folk dances, treated to the unique Lijiang cuisine, and were able to learn more about their culture through visits to a traditional Dongba village, as well as the three thousand year old Old Town. One of the most meaningful parts of being exposed to the culture was being able to make new friends with our hosts, the students who showed us around, and played and studied with us.

This trip to a rustic town set amidst a lush mountain range was truly a wonderful experience. However, what made it more special was the people who embraced us with much warmth, allowing us to receive so much more than what we gave.

ISLE (India)

On 20th November 23 students took off from Changi Airport terminal 3, not quite sure what to expect yet eager to do our part in service to the refugees in India. But over the next few days, we arguably learned much more than we would ever have expected while trying to help the Sri Lankan Tamil refugees. Over 14 days, we dedicated each and every day to doing our best for the refugees. Eating vegetarian meals, drinking super-sweet tea and stomaching spicy food were all part of the package as we spent our days helping to improve the refugees’ English, teaching the children art and craft, having sports and games with them and painting a beautiful mural in a nursery there.

We had raised $5000 for the construction of a new nursery at one of the refugee camps but the sum of money paled in comparison to the memorable experiences we gained from our personal interactions. Through our different programmes, each of us spent much time with our Indian friends and formed strong bonds of friendship. At the end of the 14 days that we spent visiting the refugee camps, we felt spent and exhausted after countless hours of teaching and painting. However, the sight of the completed painting in the nursery felt like a very real accomplishment which was made even more significant by the refugees’ heartfelt thanks. Even all the times we ran ourselves to the ground dealing with the very active kids while trying to teach them English and art and craft turned out to be worth every second of our time when the refugees so lovingly bade farewell at the end of our time with them.

For the refugees we may have given them dignity and hope by our brief presence in their lives, but for our part we will never forget the resilience and determination that they demonstrated in sharing joy despite all their hardships.

ISLE India by you.

ISLE (Thailand)

ISLE Thailand was a short but an eventful and fun-filled experience for 23 students and 2 accompanying teachers. In the span of 10 days, we interacted in every way imaginable with children in Moo Baan Dek, Kanchanaburi, Thailand.

We went to Thailand to serve the children in Moo Baan Dek, and our first means of doing this was through teaching them English, Math and Science. We constructed lesson plans and conducted lessons with the children there every day. We also taught them sports, like Frisbee and volleyball.

We even had 2 nights of homestay which allowed us to understand more about the children’s lives

Not wanting to only impact the children while we are there, we created educational CDs for them too! These CDs would ensure that the children there can continue to learn even after we leave, and it would thus serve as a sustainable tool for them. We also are making decorated flipcharts to send over, for the teachers to use as a tool to teach the children Mathematics.

Lastly, we also conducted a mock ‘marketplace’, for the children to learn about the essentials of buying and selling. Printing our own currency and providing the concept for the village to follow, the first ‘marketplace’ we conducted was a success! This idea would serve to help the village tremendously as teaching the children life skills would thus be made easier.

All in all, it was a very meaningful and lovely trip. Despite our trip being cut short from 16 to 10 days, our team managed to complete most of what we wanted to accomplish, and we know that indeed, we have made a difference.

ISLE (Vietnam)
ISLE Vietnam by you.

Inter-House Competition (IHC)


Since the House system was started in RJC in May 2005, the ten formidable forces from Raffles Institution and Raffles Girls’ School merged to form the 5 houses of Bayley-Waddle (Yellow), Moor Tarbet (Red), Morrison Richardson (Blue), Buckle-Buckley (Green) and Hadley Hullet (Purple/Black). Every year, the 5 houses engage in a 5-way rivalry, the IHC (Inter-House Competition).

The IHC is broken into two major segments, the aesthetics season and the sports season, where each house tries to triumph over the rest to claim the championship title. The aesthetics season kicks off right after orientation with a whole host of activities ranging from mind games such as chess and science to contests in the cultured world of drama and music. The battle rages on in July with the commencement of the Sports IHC, where athletes battle it out on the track, the field as well as in the swimming pool.

It is truly an amazing experience, for where else can you find guys playing netball, and where everyone can try out new sports such as fencing or water volleyball? Get set for a year of action and drama.

IHC Photos

IHC Video

Class Camp


To replace two to four days of precious curriculum time with class bonding and relaxation on a little island off the Malaysian coast is not a very common thing in schools. Yet, the choice to sacrifice academic gains for the benefit of stronger bonds amongst classmates is something that the school, surprisingly, firmly stands by. And it is not only the school staff that look forward to class camps, but even students also wait eagerly for the days of “official school away from campus”.

Many months have flown by since the class camp, but memories of what happened during those days of letting loose and having fun still pop up now and then. Memories of snorkelling, kayaking, building sandcastles, catching crabs, trekking alone through the forest at night, lying on the beach to watch the stars, killing huge centipedes, intimate sharing sessions, and such still remain fresh in the mind.

And of course, not forgetting the most important goal of class camps: to bond together as a class. Through the various activities and programmes planned out by the school, and especially during those free-and-easy hours spent hanging around the camp-site, such a goal has certainly been achieved with immense success.

Photos from Class Camps @ Pulau Sibu & Pulau Ubin



After the curriculum hours is when Raffles really comes alive! With 15 Peforming Arts, 30 Sports and an even greater number of Clubs and Societies, amounting to more than 80 CCAs in total, each and every student in Raffles is given the opportunity to pursue his or her interests! In the event that you don’t have an interest, Raffles provides a diverse range of CCAs to enable you to find your passion!

In the event that you’ve already found your passion, Raffles is the place to take it to the next level. With most of our CCAs competing at the highest level nationwide, our coaches as well as your future teammates will push you to your limits, and beyond!

In addition, Raffles caters to your little quirks that don’t qualify to be CCAs. With the new initiative of Student Interest Groups (SIGs), students can now form a group of their own, doing what they like with other students who share their interests! Welcome to the world of Cartoons, magic and Rubiks Cubes!

With such a comprehensive range of CCAs, you’re sure to find something you like to do, with people who like it too!

Examples of Sports CCAs

Examples of Performing Arts & Musical Groups

Examples of Clubs & Societies

Academic Programmes (Part 2)


Raffles Public Policy Programme (RPPP)

For those interested in public policy, the Raffles Public Policy Programme (RPPP) is a great opportunity to learn more! Over the year, we covered Singapore’s policies in the fields of education and manpower, among others. Also, through the RPPP, we interacted with various government figures, such as Mdm Halimah Yaacob and Mr Zaqy Mohd, learning about current issues and problems faced in politics. Besides the dialogues, the RPPP also gives you the opportunity to engage in internship programmes with the civil service.

For example, I interned full-time for two weeks with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in July 2008, to help out with the 41st ASEAN Ministerial Meeting (AMM) at the Shangri-La Hotel. At the end of the year, RPPP participants are also linked up with the ministries or statutory boards of their choice to do a 2 to 6 weeks long internship. This is a rare experience that will give you an in-depth and first-hand understanding of the civil service. Thus, if you’re interested in joining the civil service in the future, the RPPP is for you!

Science Programmes @ Raffles

Electives @ Raffles Research Labs Programme

These research electives are short courses on specialised topics in science offered by the research laboratories. There are about 30 electives offered per year, and they are developed and conducted either by teachers or with the help of external partners.

Examples of electives include: Introduction to Diffraction, Image Processing, Introduction to Computer Networking, and DNA Polymorphisms.

Material Science Elective Module: Research Lab Work

Polymers created by students

Raffles Research Attachment Programme

This programme is catered to students who are interested in being involved in a longer term science research programme, and in being mentored either by in-house teachers or research mentors/scientists at research institutes or universities.

The research institutes and universities include: A*STAR Research Institutes, Defence Science Technology Agency (DSTA), DSO National Laboratories, Nanyang Technological University (NTU), National University of Singapore (NUS), National Institute of Education, University of Southampton, Singapore Science Centre. Research Work by Koa Quan Wei

"Perhaps the first thing you might realise about having an attachment at A*Star, is the fact that you have not only been introduced to research work, but also to a working life as a whole. Day in and out, my life for the 5 weeks at the Institute of Chemical Engineering Sciences (ICES), begins with the routine of catching the bus at 8.00am; swiping my pass to report to work; reporting to my mentor for the assigning of my next task; chatting with friends at lunch while eating the same old food at the cafeteria; a hasty game of pool or table soccer before rushing off to complete work; and ends with the swiping of my pass to sign out. Nonetheless, whether you are at the computer busy with paperwork, or in the laboratory focusing on intricate processes, you would also realise that a life of research is always spent catching up with the novel and exciting developments that are never exhaustive."

-Koa Quan Wei on his A*Star Attachment

Overseas Science Programme

This programme provide students with the opportunity to interact with participants from other countries, besides attending lectures conducted by academic staff at prestigious universities and carrying out experiments under their tutelage.

Examples of overseas programmes include: Science Summer School Programmes at the University of Cambridge (UK) and the University of Western Australia, MIT's (USA) Centre for Excellence in Education Summer Programme, Professor Harry Messel International Science School (Australia), London International Youth Science Forum (UK), International Summer School for Young Physicists (Canada), International Science and Engineering Camp (Korea), and International Science Fair (Korea).

Photos from the University of Western Australia (UWA) Trip

Other Academic Programmes offered in Raffles:
  • Raffles Bicultural Programme (China)
  • Raffles Bicultural Programme (India)
  • Raffles Renaissance Programme
  • Raffles Meet-The-People Session Attachment Programme
  • Raffles Ecological Literacy Programme

Academic Programmes (Part 1)


Humanities Programme

The Humanities Programme in Raffles is a warm, cosy place to be in. With a small class and cohort size, chances are you’ll soon be acquainted with (almost) everybody in this lively community of people with a shared passion for the arts. Here the tutors conduct intellectually stimulating lessons, and coupled with dynamic class discussions, every day in school has proven to be immensely engaging. Being blessed with homerooms has also allowed time for lots of class bonding during free periods and after school. A highlight of this year in the programme was the humanities trip to Vietnam. An encounter with jaywalking, swarms of motorcycles, war museums, ancient ruins and pho (Vietnamese beef noodles), along with excellent company – the Vietnam humanities trip is definitely one of the best school trips around!

Raffles Asia Programme

As part of the Humanities Programme, each student participates in the Raffles Asia Programme (RAP). RAP is seminar based, featuring speakers such as Professor Tommy Koh, Professor Wang Gungwu and Mr Kishore Mahbubani, who share with us a plethora of insights into Asia's cultural, geopolitical and economic climate. The 2008 batch of students is midway through RAP, with a policy proposal due next year and a symposium to conclude it. RAP undeniably enables one to garner a broader perspective of the Asian landscape and challenges students to strive to be active stakeholders in the region.

Raffles Middle East Programme (RMEP)

Launched in 2007, the Raffles Middle East Programme (RMEP) is a collaborative effort by Raffles and a wide spectrum of external organisations such as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) and International Enterprises (IE) Singapore.

The Programme spans four main themes: Glimpses of the Middle East, International Relations, Opportunities & Challenges and Government Structures. Students also participate in a conversational Arabian language course.

Lessons are conducted through lectures, symposiums, seminars, dialogue sessions, local field studies, as well as an experiential learning module comprising two elective components: an overseas immersion programme and a programme to host Middle Eastern students.

Through constant interaction with knowledgeable experts in their fields, students are able to access current and in-depth information regarding the diverse and significant Middle Eastern culture, geopolitical landscape, economy, as well as its relationship and impact on the international community.

Photos from the RMEP Trip to Dubai & Bahrain

Left: Burj Dubai, the tallest man-made tower in the world
Foreground: Dubai Mall, one of the word's largest shopping malls

Desert landscape [foreground] juxtaposed with a modern city [background]

Sheikh Zayed Mosque: The 3rd largest mosque in the world that is open to non-muslims

Emirates Airlines Headquarters: Photo-taking session after a dialogue session with the Emirates staff

Foreground: Jumeirah Beach
Background: The Burj Al Arab, a 5-star deluxe hotel

Dinner with Singaporean expatriates working in the Middle East

Alfresco dining in the middle of a desert